Friday, May 30, 2008

We have a mailbox!

First, the exciting news....we should have final inspection the end of next week! Yay! So if all goes as planned, we'll be moving in next weekend! :)

Last weekend, we registered with the post office and put up a mailbox. So now we can get mail! Woohoo! I sent out change of address cards yesterday. So everyone that needs one should be getting one shortly. If I forgot you, please let me know. Here's a photo of our new mailbox...

We have all of our plumbing (sinks, toilets, etc) and I just realized I didn't take photos of any of it! So I will try to remember to do that this weekend. We also got our new washer and dryer (we went with front loading Bosch ones) and all of the appliances are in and working. The final grade is being done today. The air conditioning should be done this weekend and then carpeting is going in Monday. And....that's it! FINALLY!

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