Tuesday, October 30, 2007

We have footers!

They poured the footers yesterday and are pouring the frost footers today. Thursday, they're pouring the basement walls. Moving right along! Here's the latest pics:

Thursday, October 25, 2007

First day of construction!!!

FINALLY!!! *happy dance* :) Oct 25th is our official first day of construction.

Some of the Fall scenery:

I'm sure I'll be posting updates a lot more often from now on. ;)

Friday, October 12, 2007

So it's been awhile...

I know I haven't updated this in a month.....but I've been SO busy! A lot has happened so I will fill everyone in as quickly as possible. We closed on the construction loan/mortgage last Friday. We ended up with a rate of 6.25% so not horrible, but not awesome either. If we would have done this a year or two ago, I bet we would have been at 5 something. Bummer! We got our permits back and they were partially denied. So they were fixed by the builder and should have been resubmitted yesterday. We SHOULD have those back in 2-3 days. So we're on the builder's schedule to break ground end of next week. Yay! My next update should have pics. *fingers crossed*